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Monday, 31 March 2014

The Blind Sin

claim your face.
Your name. Your hands.
Your lips. Your teeth. Your
hair. Your tongue. Your body.
Your vitality. I claim your words. Your talk.
Your smile. Your eyes. Your stare. Your sight.
I claim your vision. Your senses. Your Touch. I claim Your
touch. Your clothes. Your love. I claim
your love. I claim the authority over
you. I claim your ownership.
I claim you. I claim

- Fa

My Euphoria

Oh you, the life in me
Oh you, the essence of my vitality 
Oh you, the one and only lusty rose in barrenness and desolate

Oh you, the blood in me. And, the air I breathe,

It's you. 

The voices I hear all day. All the random voices. Like horn of a car outside my home. Or the whining of the kids next door. Or the whistling of the guards all night. And the ringing of my cell phone. And, the scolds of my mother. And, the playlist I have on repeat. The smile on my cheek, for no reason. And the sorrows in my heart I bury. All the admiration and all the love I get from people. All the care I don't even regard. 

It's you. It's all you. 

Oh you, the thread that connects life and death
Oh you, the flare that keeps me going
Oh you, the absolute rivet 
The tears I shed and the honest laughter, 

I see people. And, I fall in love with you even deeper. 

Because its only you. It's only you.