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Saturday, 3 September 2016

Life: Excruciating. Dark. Amazing.

There have been times,
I wished nothing more than
an unending blackout.
And then there were times,
I wished time itself
couldn't move away from.
And this was life:
Excruciating. Dark. Amazing.


Is that too much to ask?

I just want you to 
bear with my craziness
my insecurities,
my inevitable habit of digging up
things until even the bones have dried out,
my occasional insanity
and unequivocal love...

Is that too much to ask?

What doesn't have bounds?

You know what doesn't have bounds?
Your sexiness. 



Death is so strange,
yet excruciatingly simple.
And I thought there is nothing I can't get over with. 
Nothing I can't run away from. Nothing I can't win over. 
But then there was death.
Hellishly scary, inevitable death.
There's just nothing left to do once it happens.
Everything's left so plain, so blank, so empty.
And you're just there,
lying, unable to understand how universe works, 
 and in pain.


"you're an ass, but I still love you"

Too old for
"you're an ass,
but I still love you".
Its got to be
the real thing now.


Everything is never how its supposed to be.

You should be here right now
but you're not.
But then, 
the kids on the other side
of my universe 
should be dying of hunger either.
Wives should not be beaten over
 by their husbands.
Tears shouldn't be such a waste.
Emotional abuse 
should never have been a thing. 
Innocence should never 
have gotten extinct.
Love should still be alive.
So heck,
with you being all 
sweet and present. 
Everything is never 
how its supposed to be.



That was the healing.
She wasn't afraid,
or weak.
She was just endlessly 
and perfectly herself.
And yes,
it involved tears,
and blemishes and scars
and arrogance.
But she wore her 
naturalism like diamonds
and it was beautiful.
Because no one could take that from her. 


"Its all in your head."

than people saying
"its all in your head".


Worst kind of feeling.

Feeling guilty of your feelings,
that's the worst kind of feeling.


No stern voices

I wish there were no stern 
voices in the world.
I wish there were just 
creamy, rosy and jello ones.


Everything but.

 I think,
I don't like myself anymore.
And I know, I know how its
all in my head and that I 
just have to be positive and
how its all about perspective.
I know what you'd say is that
everything is fine 
and I just have to "feel" right,
but how come it feels
everything but. 


Unsaid things.

Unsaid things
just keep burning. 


You are it.

It just hurts sometimes
to know how effortlessly
you have moved on from this world
that I still live in.
And how you have made your own little universe
that I am not even a part of. 
It makes me feel so left out and alone.
And I can't even get back at you
by making a new life for myself. 
Because you are it.
You are all I have.
You are my world.
So instead, I just lay here in the dark,
and wish that I were more important. 



It is more of a
"necessity" than an 
"it will be better if"
to get yourself out of the lives
of people who do not
respect your worth. 



"What turns you on?" 
He asked.
A long pause, and there was 
nothing more genuine and true
about what she answered on it,
She said. 



Maybe you're only trying
to love him.
Maybe your heart belongs
to someone else. 
