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Thursday, 27 October 2016


Being solo is wonderful,
you define it to yourself
that its always okay to be dependent on your own.
It makes you self sufficient,
to walk your own path,
to do what you want.

Krati Pandey

Friday, 21 October 2016


I might be emotionally imbalanced
and a total wreck at feelings, but
I have roped off a place in my heart where there is nothing
but you;
standing one step ahead,
holding my hand,
leading me,
and over there my sweet,
I see smile on our faces,
I see utopia.


Her tears

Her tears are who you are, 


Perfectly comfortable.

Because yes, all I really do have are words. 
My talent is words. 
My life and best friends are words.
I find solace in them. 
I find peace here somewhere in between the punctuation.
And this might be the most 
immature and unimportant 
stuff you ever heard, 
but that's me. 
And I find myself perfectly 
comfortable being this way. 


The right man

If you can't find time to tell her how much she means to you
or how beautiful she is to you or simply that you love her
at least once a day.
sorry guys, but you're failing at being the right man. 


Right on track

Get back on track. Be yourself again.
Be yourself again. The minute you decide to 
adapt and change for the sake of society and norms, 
that's the moment you encage a beautiful human being.
Don't do that to yourself... get back on track. 


Its not you.

True love doesn;t need tough tries.
It doesn't need coerced IloveYous and
needy conversations. 
Don't feel bad, its not you.  
If its not feeling right, 
always remember, 
its not you. 
