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Saturday, 12 November 2016

Autumn winds

As the autumn winds
bring clouds to the light blue sky, I feel the beat
of the summer memories
still locked inside me.
I can almost feel the Elysian fields under my feet,
and the pure bliss that used to fill up my heart
with joy so strong it brought me tears.
My heart longs for it, the unreachable idleness
of paradise I once took for granted.

Helena Lillian

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Unending end

Breathe in. 
Breathe out. 
Close your eyes. Sigh. 
Its not the end. You are alive. 
But am I, really? 
The sounds, this scent, 
what does it all say?  
The screams inside my head
 are trying to kill me, I think. 
The darkness that hovered
 has turned painfully white now. 
Its not confusion, I can tell you that. 
No waiting, 
nothing to look forward to. 
Nothing to believe in, 
nothing to be longing for. 
However still, my eyes betray me shamelessly. 
My heart keeps on dying, 
slowly, painfully. 
Makes me wonder how much mutilation it can take.
I have nothing to say to him. 
Nothing to expect. 
So I keep on dying little by little, 
I keep on talking to myself.
I keep telling myself lies, 
its all going to be alright.
 I can feel the fate smirking at me
 with tilted eyes. 
I can feel myself falling deep
 into its darkened pit. 
I can't feel my body, 
but just the ache. 
I can't really call it a life. 
It is the ending. 
I guess, yes. 
This is the unending end. 


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Our brief estrangement

Our long relation ship ensured
that I will eventually
offer shelter to pain
even after our brief estrangement
much as the benevolent lady
down the street
who offered her home
to her dead husband's concubine.

Disha Dasagarwal

Regurgitated lore (II)

When death strikes at your sanity, intense verbal calamity, it wants to show you the meaning of profanity. The way to eternal youth is to sunder death with humor and evade his scythe like a tumor. How do you evade a tumor? The same way you evade a rumor.

Steven Rasmussen

Regurgitated lore (I)

Diplomacy is unheard of for me.

I will vomit words into peoples ear drums before
they can think or run,
from dangerous puns,
or regurgitated lore,
of the metaphysical door
I must explore.
Slip through it and feel
your spirit soar,
yet only
after fighting on death's floor.

Steven Rasmussen


My strength was born 
from the ashes of weakness,
I could never overcome.

Alycia Williams