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Thursday, 17 August 2023

The World, Love and Why

Entirety of a burning turf!
My home, your home
spins towards abyss
The facade of laughter breaks
Then infection mixes in the bloodstream
You feel it in your gut
I have been thinking about you

When you leave my hand and walk away
At an unvisited ocean shore
An invisible dream dies
My mind goes somewhere I've never been before
Uncomfortable, unhinged
but it doesn't stop

You skip steps as you run further ahead
I stand still holding breath
I see so much, my vision plays tricks
I see waves of light, unseen and unheard of
I see with my body; it's confusing
Surreal, you are someone I imagined myself

You keep walking away and
I watch as my lucky pen melts in my palm
I won't call your name this time
Put a leash in over my neck
It's not easy
My hands wither and I wonder why
If you were next to me, I'd smile