I couldn't be doing any better
And I never knew this would be my life one day
My emotional state is a mess,
Like always
Shall I say
The love inside of me keeps getting bigger, I wonder does it even have an end?
I don't want to hurt anyone, I know, I just don't
I believe in peace and rose petals
My mind is devoid of hatred
And I am open to have my heart broken again
Raj says, its stupid to beleive it but I wish you all the best
They don't know how over the clouds and mountains and angels of life and death
I see myself at
So do you wonder?
If I am insane anymore?
It's temporary, this life
Carrying an amputated head in one hand, and a bag of roses in the other
Its for you to decide
To be judgemental and hold the despise
Or to make friends with everyone in the world
Open to the possibility,
And the unlimited positive energies,
Waiting outside your door,
Knocking politely,
A little hospitality will do,
Open you eyes, or don't
It doesn't even matter,
Just open your heart
And love
Everything you see
And Everything you don't