Loyalty is sexy,
She has stuck by me all my life
She has stuck by me all my life
And nothing felt better than my time with her
It was all so beautiful
We saw dreams together,
Or at least I did
And so it is,
I'm forcing life on myself
I am forcing a false belief
I am incomparably happy with my decision
Then why is it, that I felt so bad that day?
Infatuation shouldn't come in bits and pieces
My twisted emotions need to get their shit together
It confuses me like time
It's scary like blood
Bewitched with demonic love
It can break you and make you,
Both at once
Reality is nothing, so isn't love
Put you head in my lap now,
Hand me the machete
Sleep sweet child,
Everything's fine,
Its all going be over now
Future... is it really a light after darkness cast upon you after betrayal