Welcome! Here you will find recycled notes, processed thoughts, revelations, epiphanies, poetry, dark humor, first drafts, muse, motivation, light of hope in the pitch-dark tunnel, analysis of experiences, human sensitivities, behavior and life related stuff. This is my personal journey as young woman in Pakistan to a independent adult out and aboot in the world.
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Friday, 11 December 2015
Thank yous.
I like a special kind of thank you. Multiple reasoned.
At the end of the day. Politely. In response to an everyday doing such as fetching water,
or telling a story or making hair or passing the remote to someone.
And then they look you in the eye, and say "thank you".
You know just then and right there, it is actually for everything
they never knew how say thank you to. it is a thanks to your kindness.
Your affection. Your care. And regard.
It is a thanks to your beautiful nature, a million dollar "thank you"
hidden inside a regular thank you.
I like these kind of thank yous.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Saturday, 12 September 2015
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
She had a thirst in her eyes.
A lust for success,
like the aim of a lion and the focus of a
She was bold and authoritative.
A talker, imaginative,
and outspoken of her
well she was,
most of the time: except when they talked about him.
Her friends used to tease her, like all the friends do in the world.
Only if they knew what tornado rises inside of her on the name of his.
Like an avalanche successive of devastation,
a meteor racing towards the earth:
an unequivocal apocalypse.
Or like dark magic ruining the ruins,
a spirited ritual longing for peace;
only if they knew.
For these were empty girls unable to understand
the severity of her emotion.
Thing is:
my toxic memories are too strong for me to think about past
as it has/had something romantic in it or maybe
it is something to be stayed in memories as something worthwhile.
I mean, I haven't suffered huge loss in my life, when one really hears about it.
But feelings can do so much damage to your soul.
And I have been a weak victim to them.
Maybe I am a pessimist. So, I don't like to think about my past.
Nostalgia is too bright of a word for me.
I have never felt nostalgic in a long time about anything.
Secret hopes.
I believe its the secret hopes that keep us alive after all.
Its like you're drowning - set on fire - falling from the cliff.
How can you breathe,
when all that surrounds is the fright of impending water?
How can you live,
when all that endures is the ache smoldering from the inside out?
How can you be at peace,
when the momentum of earth is fiercely dragging you to its end?
Because you live.
Be at peace.
Be at peace.
Just like that.
All at once.
All at once.
With all the crazy things happening.
How does that happen?
Secret hopes.
Blood. Paper. Pen. (4)
You see, you might have moved on but I am still there.
I am still standing under the naked sky. I am still a little nervous to see you.
I can still hear my heart beating. I am still craving for your luscious voice.
I am still admiring your ways and eyes and moves
and hair and clothes and body and voice and you.
I am still 13 years old. I am still stupid and emotional
and crazy and adventurous. But you have moved on as life told us where to move to.
I haven't. You have obeyed and I have suffered.
And now I am out of spaces to cut above my ankle.
And the blood seems to be betraying me. I need you to see. I wish you saw.
I wish you were here. I wish I could touch you and you wanted to touch me.
But it's my life so who am I kidding?
My shrink told me not to mention my bloody habit to you anymore.
He's so stupid because he still can't see what I had seen
so long before: I don't obey. Not life and certainly not anyone else.
Anyways. I hope you have nieces and nephews by now.
Beauty runs in your family. So, take care you.
I am still standing under the naked sky. I am still a little nervous to see you.
I can still hear my heart beating. I am still craving for your luscious voice.
I am still admiring your ways and eyes and moves
and hair and clothes and body and voice and you.
I am still 13 years old. I am still stupid and emotional
and crazy and adventurous. But you have moved on as life told us where to move to.
I haven't. You have obeyed and I have suffered.
And now I am out of spaces to cut above my ankle.
And the blood seems to be betraying me. I need you to see. I wish you saw.
I wish you were here. I wish I could touch you and you wanted to touch me.
But it's my life so who am I kidding?
My shrink told me not to mention my bloody habit to you anymore.
He's so stupid because he still can't see what I had seen
so long before: I don't obey. Not life and certainly not anyone else.
Anyways. I hope you have nieces and nephews by now.
Beauty runs in your family. So, take care you.
Eternally and withering yours,
Blood. Paper. Pen. (1)
Blood. Paper. Pen. (2)
Blood. Paper. Pen. (3)
Blood. Paper. Pen. (1)
Blood. Paper. Pen. (2)
Blood. Paper. Pen. (3)
Friday, 31 July 2015
I believe only 'patience' can solve quite lot of the problems itself. Its strange however, how a mere feeling can do so much. Isn't it?
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Rust and rot.
I have for you nothing but pity. I swear on the rust and rot living upon your soul, if you have vision, the ability to think, feel and speak - and most of all: freedom, you're missing out on so much.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Sometimes, to get better: you only have to get bad, just a bit, and a little bit more.
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Saturday, 6 June 2015
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Friday, 24 April 2015
Blood. Paper. Pen. (3)
Dearly beloved,
Do you know what that means?
"I will always love you."
"I will always love you."
Its not sugary. Its not a word of unbreakable vows.
Its not healthy. Its racked. And dark, and honestly, I think its slowly poisoning me.
Its not healthy. Its racked. And dark, and honestly, I think its slowly poisoning me.
Like an addiction, a haunting ghost, and an incurable illness, I am the victim of
the malady here. I am unable to see clearly, because you are literally everywhere. I want stop cutting myself. I want to move on. Just, for once pass on from the blight and barrage that has
the malady here. I am unable to see clearly, because you are literally everywhere. I want stop cutting myself. I want to move on. Just, for once pass on from the blight and barrage that has
dragged me up till this point of convalescence. I want to forgive.
I want to not love you for just a day of my life, but I do. I love you.
Every second of it. Trust me,
I don't want to. But I will always do.
I will always love you.
Eternally and witheringly yours,
Blood. Paper. Pen. (1)
Blood. Paper. Pen. (2)
Blood. Paper. Pen. (4)
Blood. Paper. Pen. (1)
Blood. Paper. Pen. (2)
Blood. Paper. Pen. (4)
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Lightening and the thunder.
Okay. You wanted this. So, listen. When I was a little girl, I was always afraid of the lightening and the thunder. It was him, my brother, who would hold my hand then. He'd tell me that if the ceiling fell on us, he'd lay on my top.This way it will hurt less, he'd say. And we would laugh together. He was great with kids, ever since he was one. He'd stand by me, hold my hand and put his arm on my shoulder and hug me like that. And smile. The smile that still appears before my eyes when I hear the clouds thunder, or the lightening. He practically raised me, you know? Because I remember only him being there when I needed to see a little light. Not once, was he not there. It was beautiful. And then, he died. Not long after we reached our 20s. So, I don't smile anymore. I am not afraid of the lightening. I don't wait for someone to hold me when I am seconds away to just, break down. I know, I won't. I haven't felt loved ever since. I don't expect so either. I don't play with the kids anymore. I don't laugh. Or smile. Or live. See how that works? That's life.
(The other side of Arizona Robbins)
Friday, 10 April 2015
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