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Thursday 8 September 2022

The Devil Child (R)

 I can still love the idea of you,

All effort withers

No more shall your love survive!

In the backyard, the burnt ashes emerge in smoke
Cough out the illusion
the shimmery sugary fantasy
Evil off evil

Now it smells oddly angry
Reckless bees from the hives shot down
An ugly unnecessary menace; similar to the
dilemma of why it all began
Why me?
Or perhaps a feeling they haven't named yet?
Fallacy off fallacy

Or maybe this shy fat one in the corner?
I carry it around like my armour of pride
Slight, unbud dissatisfaction
Shame is our adopted child, it
Quietly watches my sharp tongue's smirk;
Wretchedness off wretchedness

This must be just a reckless thought,
Expansive albeit untouchable,
Your freedom resembles the universe
Everything crumbles
One problem after another
A trail of animal faeces; raw and abhorrent
My sense of direction fucked me over
Lost again in trance, in dark, in love

Afaf J.