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Thursday, 24 July 2014



"Sakeena" is a fictitious series about the main character "Sakeena's" metamorphic encounter on her 17th birthday. Links of next episodes will be uploaded soon. 

Episode one

She glanced at her bruised hands and pitied her fate. “That’s it” she thought to herself “I am the murderer of my own peace”.

“17th birthday should be fun. They write songs about this age!”

She was overly excited about her birthday even though, all her birthdays were pretty stereotyped. Her father would bring the cake on the birthday evening and her siblings and mother would present inexpensive gifts. They’d laugh together, clap and her brothers would tease her with sarcastic limericks written especially for her. She wanted something different this time. Something out of the ordinary and something enticing.

Little did she know she’d receive a little too much of enticement this year.

The images of the middle aged bald man came to her mind, grinning at her in lust. She started to shiver by the horrible memory. She was terrified and alone. Not in her whole life had she wanted for her father to be by her side but that time called for none, but him. She remembered how in the beginning, she kept blaming her friends for the whole idea of skipping College. But after sometime, she wasn't thinking of anyone or anything. She couldn't. She couldn't think about blame, regret or even conscience. All she wanted then was to run. Run way far away from where she was.

Someone was calling her name constantly, but she had gone deep in the terrifying trance. She snapped away the memory from her head. Wiping off the tears that were shed unknowingly, again.

“Yes, ammi” and she went to her mother’s room.

Sakeena - Episode two:
Sakeena - Episode three:

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